Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Picture Book of Louis Braille
Author: David A. Adler
Illustrator: John & Alexandra Wallner
Genre: Biography
Grade Level: PreK-3

This book is a biography that tells the story of Louis Braille. He was born with normal vision like any other kid. One day he was playing with one of his father's work tools and it poked one of his eyes. Eventually he got an infection that spread to his other eyes. He lost eye site in both eyes as a result. He was a strong willed and a very strong minded person. He was determined to be like other kids and people and he eventually created the braille system for blind people to learn how to read. 

The illustrations are fun cartoon like characters that are more realistic. The color scheme is upbeat and warm. The pictures illustrate exactly whats going on in the story and follow along with the narrations. There are pictures on every page. 

I would use this in class as a subject for a research project. Students can use this as a tool for their research. I can also use this when we learn about disabilities and accommodations for people with disabilities in class. This can be read to introduce background knowledge. 

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