Friday, December 2, 2016

The Ugly Duckling
Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Illustrator: Jerry Pinkney
Genre: Traditional Literature
Grade Level: K-3

This book is a new adaption to the traditional story of the ugly duckling. It is a survival story of an awkward and ugly little bird who travels through life being made fun of, hunted, and cruel seasons. He was born and everyone in the farm had started to pick on him. Eventually he had enough and ran away. He roamed far and wide and was never accepted anywhere. He become more and more unhappy and lonely as time went on. He eventually blooms into a beautiful and graceful swan and everyone who had not believed in him or made fun of him were in shock. 

This book is a good book to teach children about patience. It is also a good anti-bullying book. It puts into perspective how being mean to someone over something they can't control can drive them away and make them be sad. 

The illustrations are beautiful watercolor pictures. They are colorful and elegant and give the book a traditional yet modern vibe. 

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