Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Wall
Author: Eve Bunting
Illustrator: Ronald Himler
Genre: Historical Fiction
Grade level: K-3

A young boy and his father visit the Vietnamese Veterans Memorial building in Washington D.C. This is not an ordinary sight seeing visit. They are looking for the boys grandfather's name on the wall. The boy notices different types of people approaching the wall leaving different kinds of momentos. They finally find the name and they quietly stand in front of it to mourn the great loss. He tells the boy that he is very proud that his fathers name is on the wall. 

This book would be perfect to learn about the Vietnam war. It can be used as kind of an introduction to learning about the war. it can also be used to teach about what a solider is and what they do in war. 

The illustrations are beautiful. They are somber dark paintings that represent the grief and the reverence the book is supposed to convey.  

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